What Was It Like to Live in the 1920s? Here's an Amazing Look at Britain Back in the Roaring Twenties _ UK


The 1920s, also known as the ‘Roaring Twenties’, was a decade of contrasts. The First World War had ended in victory, peace had returned and with it, prosperity.

The experiences during the War influenced British society, particularly women. During the war, many women had been employed in the factories, giving them a wage and therefore a certain degree of independence. Women over 30 had been given the vote in 1918, and by 1928 this had been extended to all women over the age of 21.
Women felt more confident and empowered, and this new independence was reflected in the new fashions. Hair was shorter, dresses were shorter, and women started to smoke, drink and drive motorcars. The attractive, reckless, independent ‘flapper’ appeared on the scene, shocking society with her wild behaviour. Girl Power 1920s-style had arrived!

No health warnings here - smoking was still cool back then. (General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)


Girls just want to have fun - watching the Epsom Derby from the roof of their car. (Kirby/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)


Putting on the glitz - flappers at the bar of Isa Lanchester's nightclub in London. (General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)


Demonstrating the trendy new short hairstyles on mannequin heads during the Drapery and Textile Exhibition at the Royal Agriculture Hall, London. (Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)


In 1929, just a year after winning the right to vote on the same terms as men, a carload of women arrive at a polling station to celebrate a Conservative Party election victory. (Puttnam /Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)


Digging in - a group of flappers have fun on the beach. (Sasha/Getty Images)


Making the best of a rainy day, these ladies tuck in to lunch during a race meeting. (E. Bacon/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)


Dedicated followers of fashion - two friends, dressed up to the nines, stroll in Hyde Park in the early 20s. (Morey/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)


Starting her own fashion career, this young girl is named 'Miss 1926' at a New Year's Party. (Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)


Some of the 1,000 guests who attended an all-night ball on the world's largest liner, the White Star Line's Majestic, moored at Southampton in 1926. (Brooke/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)


American dancer Madge Nerrit (centre) during a dance in her honour by a group of Tiller Girls on the beach at Brighton in 1922. (General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)


More from the Tiller Girls, this time at the London Plaza in 1928. (Sasha/Getty Images)


Chorus girls work on their high kicks on the roof of the Gaiety Theatre in London. (E. Bacon/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images