46 Color Pics That Show What a Traditional Scottish Wedding Looked Like in the Early 1980s


On the wedding day the bride will look resplendent in her white gown, shoes, veil and tiara, carrying her flower bouquet and possibly a lucky horseshoe. To make her traditional Scottish wedding complete the bride will be wearing something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.

The “something old” will most probably be something handed down from her mother to symbolise the passing down of wisdom. The “something new” will be a gift, the “something borrowed” will be from a married couple, for good luck, and “something blue” is usually a blue garter, as a sign of love and modesty.
The groom will cut a dash in his full Highland dress, consisting of the kilt (with clan tartan if applicable) & kilt pin, sporran with chain strap, tartan or white hose, jacket, shirt, bow tie, sgian dhubh (black knife) tucked in the hose, and gillie brogue shoes.

The bridesmaid dresses will have been chosen by the bride, in colours that she feels will compliment her dress, and the best man and the father of the bride will usually be in full Highland dress, making it altogether a pretty colourful affair.

A traditional Scottish wedding in 1982

After the happy couple have exchanged vows and said “I do”, the wedding is well underway and ready to move up a gear. It's time for photographs to be taken and then the bride follows the tradition of tossing her bouquet over her shoulder. If the bouquet is caught by a single woman, she will be the next to marry, according to folklore.

At many of our Scottish weddings there will be a piper at the church door, to lead the bride and groom to their waiting car, and no doubt they will be showered with confetti or flower petals as they make their way.

They go to a location they have chosen for more photographs for the wedding album, and the guests will gather in the reception venue, to await the happy couples' arrival.

Here below is an amazing found photo collection from vintage ladies that shows a traditional Scottish wedding in 1982.

 Groom and best man checking where the bride is


Groom and best man


Proud father of the bride


Proud father of the bride


 Beaming groom


Lovely bride


 Radiant bride


Bride and bridesmaids




 About to go into the church


Sweet kiss


Wedding certificate




 About to cut the cake


Stealing a kiss


Sexy bride


Sexy bride


 Piped out of the church


Piper playing


Groom and bride


Happy couple


Happy couple


Happy couple


With parents


With family


The stars of the day


Bride and groom


Bride and groom


Bride and groom


Bride and groom


Bride and groom


Bride and groom


Bride and groom


Bride and groom


Happy couple


Happy couple


Happy couple


Receive congratulations


Receive congratulations


Wedding family


Wedding family


Wedding guests


Wedding guests


With friends


With guests


With guests